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Lisa Miller and sons graduate together

lisa miller and sons

lisa miller and sonsThe end of the semester was a time of celebration for the whole family for Benefits Specialist Lisa Miller and her two sons, Shane and Grant. All three earned degrees from various programs at the University of Indianapolis. Lisa earned her bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership while Shane received his in supply chain management and Grant completed a master’s program in real estate development.

It was a “happy accident” that all three ended up completing their degree programs during the same semester. Lisa wasn’t sure how long her program would take, as she had previous credits to transfer in, but says she knew she wanted to go back to school to not let her kids have “more smarts” than she does!

“It is great to be able to celebrate together,” she said. “We are not sure how yet, but I think a vacation is in store at some point!”

During the last two years the boys have ribbed their mother for having “paralysis by analysis” when it comes to her schoolwork. She joked that it was comforting to finally be able to use the same label on Grant as he endeavored to complete his final project.

During their time in school together, the trio enjoyed meeting up for Enzo’s before class and catching up on each other’s agendas. “One night I was called from the library by Shane to make sure the turtle in Lilly didn’t have a rock stuck in his mouth,” Lisa recalled. “On another occasion Grant called and we helped rescue some ducklings.”

“I will truly miss them being on campus with me,” she said. “Even the calls of distress.”

Congratulations to the Millers and all 2020 graduates of the University.