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Ask the experts: Sociologists Amanda Miller, Elizabeth Ziff

Liz Ziff, Amanda Miller - Dept of Sociology

What challenges are being experienced by our nation’s neediest in 2021? How can we find effective strategies to help people in need during the pandemic?

Assistant Professor of Sociology Elizabeth Ziff and Associate Professor of Sociology Amanda Miller share their insights in a recent WalletHub article.

“One thing that the pandemic has laid bare is that no matter how strong our individual safety nets, we all are at risk of needing help. It has become clear to many of us that there is no single type of “people in need.” Prior to that, though women, racial and ethnic minorities, and single-parent households experienced heightened rates of poverty and limited access to basic needs. The pandemic has not only increased the needs of these individuals but has also increased the needs of everyone.”

Read the full article.