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Craig Seidelson featured on expert panel on market share discussion

Craig Seidelson

Dr. Craig Seidelson Assistant Professor Operations and Supply Chain Management was recently featured on ValuePenguin’s Expert Panel to shed light on the impact that companies with large market share have on customers’ buying decisions.

Here is a key insight that Dr. Seidelson cited:

“Companies in the U.S. spent nearly $250 billion on ads in 2020. When it comes to financing national marketing campaigns, large companies have a distinct advantage over their smaller counterparts. This spending advantage becomes a business advantage when ads create sufficient brand loyalty that consumers are willing to pay a price premium for more recognizable products and services.”

To read the full interview, visit:

Additionally, Seidelson’s Operations Management in China book, which is scheduled for 2nd edition release this summer, was recently recognized by as a third best new operations management ebook to read in 2021, as U.S. and Chinese supply chain relations have evolved rapidly over the last 14 months.